Vitality Ireland: March 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Life review: Reclaim Your Life Exuberance

Life Review
We all, at different times, complain about our lives, our relationships our stressful job, our low finances.
From a Life Coaching perspective, it is more empowering to look instead at what we are complaining about and consider what we can actually do about it.

You will find below a set of questions that when you answer, will empower you with an overview of your needs, wants, desires and areas of your life that you wish to change, improve or maintain.

I am looking at 2008 as the Year of Infinite Possibilities.

In fact I have been saying this to all of my friends and colleagues. When I say it, their faces actually light up as they consider the possibilities of what that means for them.
Then reality bites back, doubt sets in, past experience clouds over their face and the spark goes.
Does that spark have to go? What is stopping us from believing that this is a year of infinite possibilities? How much more empowered will you be if you tell yourself each morning that today you can do one small thing, take one small step to achieving your dream, your goal, your ambition, and happiness?

Would you agree that it is better to take one small step towards your heart’s desire, than stand still and see the same scenery?

So I invite you now to take one small step with me.

Go grab a pen and paper and answer the questions below.

As a Life Coach I ask my clients questions that get them to take a new perspective on their life. You may read the questions and think that the answers are obvious.

But it is important that you write down the answers.
Don’t just think about the answer.
You will be surprised, I guarantee it, about the answers you will discover for yourself when you begin to write down your answers.

You don’t have to answer them all in the one go. Take a few at a time and answer them. You have a whole month until my next newsletter, so no panic!

The questions will help you identify what you want. And what you don’t want. They will identify where and with whom you are using your energy, and from this you can see if you want to redirect your focus and energy.
The questions will set you on the track to taking control of your own happiness because the questions will help you identify your options and therefore your choices.

Remember, if you don’t consider what it is you are unhappy or happy about, how can you set about improving your situation.

So let’s start:

1. List 10 things you enjoy doing (beside each one write down the last time you did it)
For example - Do you enjoy dancing /swimming/ice-skating /mountain climbing /hill walking /partying /walking by the sea/writing /singing /surfing /redecorating / moving house /travelling /getting a promotion /art /photography /pottery /volunteer work/horse riding?

2. How/when can you do more of these activities?

3. When was the last time you laughed? What makes you laugh and how can you laugh more?

4. What can you be thankful for in your life? How can you experience that on a continued basis? How can you get more of it? – Include even the smallest things, for e.g., for me it’s a good cup of coffee in the morning!

5. What emotions do you feel on a regular basis? Which do you want to increase and how?

6. Which emotions do you want to feel less of and how can you do that?

7. Who or what do you love most? Are you spending enough time with them, if not, how can you increase your time together, even by as little as half an hour?

8. Who has / where is the information that will help you get what you want? When are you going to ask them / contact them?

9. What one thing can you do for yourself each day to help or maintain your health?

If you are not coming up with answers to these questions (or you are and they are negative) you may be in the habit of limiting yourself and putting blocks and boundaries in front of yourself.
Let’s be honest – if you believe something is impossible – well then it is – because you will not take even one single step towards getting it.
Therefore you never will get it.

Once you have answered these questions I want you to review them.
What have you noticed about your answers? Are you now able to identify what makes you happy and what makes you unhappy? Are you able to identify your choices and the areas where you feel you have no choice? What can you do about these situations?
What small changes you can make in your life?

Leave it a few days and come back to review your answers again. This gives your subconscious a chance to process the information. When you review your answers a new idea may come to you. Your perspective may have shifted slightly and you realise something you didn’t realise before.

From your answers you will now be empowered with valuable information about how you want to live your life, what is important to you, and what it is not so important for you.
Awareness is one of the most powerful tools we can equip ourselves with. Awareness brings Empowerment. That sometimes may be frightening, other times liberating.

You can sign up for my free newsletter by going to

Keep taking those tiny steps!! Allow your scenery to change!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life Vitality

Emotions/feelings - create Thoughts - create behaviour - create emotions...............

Have you ever wondered ,why, when you are stressed, busy, or overloaded you do some things that you are unsure of why you did them, and you don’t do things that you think you should?

If our emotions are the basis of our thoughts and emotions, then in order to empower and nurture ourselves it is important to explore that base.

If we don’t tune into our body, our feelings, then we are missing part of the sequence.
We are functioning at the level of thought, while not giving attention to the basis of that thought.
Our behaviour then reflects this (anger over small things, feeling frustration and not knowing the cause, jumpy or erratic movements, for example) and our body starts giving us signs in the form of ill health or minor ailments in order to try and grab our attention to bring our attention back into our body.

So how can we fully explore this sequence in order to allow ourselves have optimum health and life vitality.

When you are going to sleep, place your hands one beside the other over your stomach area (this will cover your solar plexus and sacral chakras)
Think over your day and allow yourself to release any negative thoughts, feelings, experience or people from your body, feel, see or hear the negativity leave your body and aura.
When you have done that, scan your body with your minds eye and feel how your body is feeling.
What emotions are you feeling?
Where are you holding these emotions in your body?
Focus in on that body part where you are feeling/holding the emotion.
Imagine a beautiful white light coming into that area, and slowly dissolving that feeling, that emotion that you are holding in your body.
Feel it leaving your body as the white healing light floods the area, bringing with it feelings of peace, calm and relaxation.