Vitality Ireland: 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

I am one with the Rhythm of Life

Have you ever felt yourself beset with difficulties? Have you spent the day struggling to get your thoughts in order, to focus, to get tasks done?

Often, due to; technologies (computers, cars, mobile phones….)
highly processed foods and food additives (that are far from their natural state)
and other people (who are angry, in bad form, sulking, agitated…..)
we find ourselves out of balance with the rhythm of life.

We are not in the flow of rest, relaxation, nourishment, stimulation, activity, fun and play, love and laughter.

We are constantly bombarded with sights, sounds and smells not always of our choosing, not to mention emotions, as we watch television, or have interactions with others people and their emotions.

We loose touch with our base, our sense of groundedness, sometimes of who we are.

Take 3 minutes to focus yourself, nourish yourself.
Breathing deeply, imagine you are on an island. By yourself.

You are lying in the shade, comfortable, a slight breeze washing over you. You can hear the ocean, and your breathing is in tune with the ebb and flow of the waves.

You can see the ocean, and the colour pours into your soul, communicating peace and freedom, life and possibilities.

Spend a few moments like this, breathing and relaxing, relaxing and breathing.

You are one with the rhythm of the sea, one with the Rhythm of Life.

Affirm to yourself:

I am one with the rhythm of life.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I launched my first article on This is a website for entrepreneurs, giving lots of advice, hints and ideas for starting and running your own business. Check out the site today and under the Work Life balance you can read my article ' Time Off - a Sound Business Investment'

Monday, November 12, 2007

Finding Balance in Your Life

What is on the scale of your life?
Right now draw a scale, leaving room to be able to write down the components that make up your life.
On one side of the scale have the title: WORK
Right down everything that you consider falls in this category

On the other side have the title: REWARD
This refers to your free time, how you spend your time when not working.
Is this scale balanced?
If not, which side out-weights the other?
What steps can you take to introduce more balance? Is there something you can do less of, or something you can do more of?
What is stopping you from having balance in your life?
And what steps can you take to resolve that?

Now for a new scale.
Draw a scale that only highlights the benefits that you receive from WORK and from REWARDS (eg, knowledge, new experiences, activities…..)
Is the scale balanced between work and rewards when it comes to the benefits you receive from both?
Again examine what small or big changes you can take to introduce more or something or reduce more of another to help you have balance.

I find balance in my life. Through work and through rewarding myself I have vibrancy and peace of mind in all that I do.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Keeping your Dignity in your own eyes is crucial.

Then no-one can Dis-Empower you.
Day Dreaming.
A lot of adults wrongly believe that day dreaming is for the idle, or for children.
Day dreaming allows your mind to escape the confines of reality and flirt with amazing possibilities, scenarios and life styles. Allow yourself to do this and you allow your creativity to be released.
Creativity is breath in your lungs and fire in your belly. If you are reading this and thinking you are not creative, think again.
Begin by taking 5 quiet minutes, undisturbed, and let your mind flow freely, flow to wherever it is it wants to go. Enjoy the journey and notice what you see on the way, and how you feel.
In the silence of our minds, during day dreaming, our soul speaks to us, and tells us how it wants to live.
Listen to that inner knowing, and allow yourself adventures, away from the mundane and the stress. You will come back to earth feeling rejuvenated with youthful curiosity and a willingness to try new things.
Now that’s creativity.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Inner Coach No. 2

In sleep we are defenceless
In our dreams we are King.
At night we dream, during the day we day-dream. This we all know. But our dreams tell us a lot about ourselves, and most of us do not take much notice of them.
Night Dreaming
Try keeping a dream journal. As you remember your dreams note them down. Over time you will begin to realise common themes to your dreams.
What message is your sub-conscious trying to tell you?
What thoughts, feelings, fears and anxieties are you processing at night?
Your dreams, if you examine them, can help you resolve problems, come up with different choices and solutions. They can help you put your past to rest, and overcome fears.
Consult a dream dictionary (but not the type that try to use dreams to predict the future, these are often quite negative.)
Begin to notice your dreams, and what they are trying to tell you and you will begin the process of Empowerment.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Inner Life Coach No. 1

If you could make up your ideal team - a group of people to work for you and support you, and you could choose the qualities these people would have - what would they be?

Take paper now and write down that list,

What would they say,
What would they do for you,
How would they look,
How would they behave, What would be their outlook.

Now, how can YOU be each person on this team to support your self and work for yourself.

S. Strengthen Self Love.
E. Enjoy time alone.
L. Learn to accept and forgive yourself.
F. Forge strong friendships.
R. Recognise nature’s beauty (for you are part of nature too)
E. Empower yourself and others.
S. Study your strong and weak points.
P. Protect your body.
E. Expect the best for yourself.
C. Calmly tackle problems.
T. Take time to have simple, harmless fun.