Vitality Ireland: November 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Repeating negative patterns
”The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”Albert Einstein
If we don’t change how we respond to negative situations then how can we expect to be any happier?

Remember we are solely responsible for our own happiness.

Think now of a negative pattern that you would like to change. It doesn’t have to be a big one, it can be as simple as: how I drive to work, getting up in the morning or dealing with a stroppy sales attendant.

My pattern:

Now think of a new pattern that you can put in its place, a more empowering one that will bring you a new level of joy and freedom.

For example, sitting in a traffic jam, there’s nothing that you can do about it. No matter how much you curse, it’s not going to change the situation.
Perhaps next time, instead of swearing and getting annoyed that you’re wasting time, use the time to list all the things that you’re grateful in your life. You could plan your next trip away, catch up with old friends (provided, of course that you have a hands free car kit! ) You could choose to simply spend the time admiring the scenery. Or, my personal favourite, when I’m in a supermarket I will bring my Ipod with me and listen to my favourite music while I’m going about my least favourite task! Make a choice to respond in a positive way for you.

My new pattern:

Now make a decision to use these new more positive patterns in your day.

(Shilling , Swords 2008)