In sleep we are defenceless
In our dreams we are King.
At night we dream, during the day we day-dream. This we all know. But our dreams tell us a lot about ourselves, and most of us do not take much notice of them.
Night Dreaming
Try keeping a dream journal. As you remember your dreams note them down. Over time you will begin to realise common themes to your dreams.
What message is your sub-conscious trying to tell you?
What thoughts, feelings, fears and anxieties are you processing at night?
Your dreams, if you examine them, can help you resolve problems, come up with different choices and solutions. They can help you put your past to rest, and overcome fears.
Consult a dream dictionary (but not the type that try to use dreams to predict the future, these are often quite negative.)
Begin to notice your dreams, and what they are trying to tell you and you will begin the process of Empowerment.