Day Dreaming.
A lot of adults wrongly believe that day dreaming is for the idle, or for children.
Day dreaming allows your mind to escape the confines of reality and flirt with amazing possibilities, scenarios and life styles. Allow yourself to do this and you allow your creativity to be released.
Creativity is breath in your lungs and fire in your belly. If you are reading this and thinking you are not creative, think again.
Begin by taking 5 quiet minutes, undisturbed, and let your mind flow freely, flow to wherever it is it wants to go. Enjoy the journey and notice what you see on the way, and how you feel.
In the silence of our minds, during day dreaming, our soul speaks to us, and tells us how it wants to live.
Listen to that inner knowing, and allow yourself adventures, away from the mundane and the stress. You will come back to earth feeling rejuvenated with youthful curiosity and a willingness to try new things.
Now that’s creativity.