Vitality Ireland

Monday, November 12, 2007

Finding Balance in Your Life

What is on the scale of your life?
Right now draw a scale, leaving room to be able to write down the components that make up your life.
On one side of the scale have the title: WORK
Right down everything that you consider falls in this category

On the other side have the title: REWARD
This refers to your free time, how you spend your time when not working.
Is this scale balanced?
If not, which side out-weights the other?
What steps can you take to introduce more balance? Is there something you can do less of, or something you can do more of?
What is stopping you from having balance in your life?
And what steps can you take to resolve that?

Now for a new scale.
Draw a scale that only highlights the benefits that you receive from WORK and from REWARDS (eg, knowledge, new experiences, activities…..)
Is the scale balanced between work and rewards when it comes to the benefits you receive from both?
Again examine what small or big changes you can take to introduce more or something or reduce more of another to help you have balance.

I find balance in my life. Through work and through rewarding myself I have vibrancy and peace of mind in all that I do.