For those of you on the go, here are a few ideas for finding your ideal partner!
- Whether you are in a relationship, not in one, or just out of one, I want you to examine your past loves, your past losses. What were the similarities, what were the differences between these relationships?.
More importantly, who were YOU in each relationship? - What qualities would you like your ideal partner to have, and what qualities do you bring to a relationship.
If you don’t know what you are looking for, how can you find it?
It is important to realise what qualities you want a partner to have. - But its also important to know how do you want to feel in a relationship?
- So if you are single, or in a relationship, take some time to think about how exactly you want to feel in the presence of a lover. This is important, because I believe that with a partner, it is important for you to feel comfortable in expressing all aspects of yourself, even the contradictory aspects – strong and weak, sexy and slovenly, energetic and lazy, clever and silly, humorous and cross.
What are your different sides? Who are you? What makes you happy, what makes you sad? What makes you feel alive? What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning?
What gets you jumping into bed?
What needs, desires, and wishes do you want a / your relationship to fulfil?
Think back to your different past relationships. Were you the same person in each relationship? Was your character the same with each partner? Were you more outgoing with Joe than with Jack? Did you feel sexier with Dave than with Ben? Were you in awe of Claire, and more bossy with Sue? - So whether you are single or attached, take some time to just examine who you are in a relationship. Who do you want to be in a relationship?
Then you are more likely to either find what you are looking for, or be more happy, or more decided about a current relationship.
Thats all from The Quick Coach
Enjoy your Discovery!